

a free one

WazzapMigrator Extractor has been designed to make extraction from iTunes backup a one-click process, totally free and easy to perform.

iBackup Viewer handleiding

Je kunt iBackup Viewer downloaden gratis (WINDOWS/MAC). Het heeft geen restricties voor unencrypted iTunes backups.

Tutoriel iBackup Viewer

Vous pouvez télécharger iBackup Viewer gratuitement (WINDOWS/MAC). Il n'a pas de restrictions sur les sauvegardes d'iTunes non cryptées.



A free iTunes backup extractor for Windows

A free iTunes backup extractor for Windows. WazzapMigrator Extractor is now available! Kindly check it out from this page.

iBackup viewer Prashikshan

Aap ye download iBackup Viewer Nihshulk (WINDOWS/MAC), is par koi seema nhi hai Aghood iTunes backups.

iBackup Viewer tutorial

You can download iBackup Viewer for free (WINDOWS/MAC). It has no restrictions on unencrypted iTunes backups.